
Sunday, February 14, 2010 / 8:50 PM

HAHAHA, i made you look ... STEVEN!

Sunday, February 7, 2010 / 7:09 PM

Do you wanna know what gets me mad ? Selfish and greedy people.

Honestly, if you know that you are going to school and you need to get something done that requires money, shouldn't you have bring some ? Even if it's a couple of cent or a couple of bucks, I'm sure you could have manage to find some laying around. It doesn't matter how much it cost, but how does it make you feel ... always asking your friend to pay for you? Doesn't it make you feel ashamed of yourself ? Does it make you feel bad ? Any guilt ? Oh, and after when that friend of yours did something nice for you ... did you even bother to say thank you ?

Honestly, it makes me so mad to see people like that. Selfish, always thinking about themselves. Can't even do something nice for anyone! Doesn't know what the word respect means? Honestly, that's not how you treat a friend IF you even consider that person a friend.

Now that I know that kind of person you are, you'll be surprised how much my feelings has changed towards you.
/ 5:02 PM

feeling so out of place.
Monday, February 1, 2010 / 12:29 AM

Lately, I've been feeling so ... Honestly, words can't described how I am feeling right now because I don't even know myself. There are days when I feel fine and there are days when I just feel out of place. I stopped going on msn and haven't text much either. I just don't feel like talking to anyone. I don't know why I'm feeling like this and I have no idea what is wrong with me. I have everything I need. I have a loving family. I have wonderful friends. I have a great boyfriend. I have a chance to get an education. I have a dog to love. I have a good job. I have enough money to satisfy my needs. So what is wrong with me ?

I went out on the weekends with a couple of friends and I got to meet new people, and I just felt blah. I had a lot of fun but I wasn't myself. Usually, I love to talk and giggle and get to know the people I just met, but honestly, I felt so shy and quiet AND that's not normal.

This is how my days have been lately, I go to school, go to work and then mope around the house. Next thing I know, a new day is starting and the same thing happens. Blah, I feel mad, angry, upset at the things I see each day... and all I just want to do is lie in my bed, curled up in a blanket and sleep.

GAH, I am upset that a lot of people I know today are so selfish, always and only thinking about themselves. I hate it how rich people are so snobby and all they care about is their money and themselves. I hate it when people take advantage of others. I hate seeing kids at work talking about drugs and condoms. I hate it when people don't say thank you when they are suppose to. I am mad that there is not enough time in this world to complete the things I need to do. I am sadden due to the fact that everyone is so busy. I miss my friends. I miss our communications. And I miss our days out :(

And its already February 1st. It's 12:25 am and I should really be sleeping since I have school in a couple of hours ><"

Time to go back to school ...
Sunday, January 3, 2010 / 7:25 PM

Where does the time go ? Now that I think about it, it has been a month since I gone to school and attend classes. Last day of class was December 7 and first day of class is January 4. I wish it was Christmas again. I wish I slept more and catch up on my sleep.
I really don't want to school, especially since I have longer classes this semester. AND, i have to take a science course and a computer course ... ewww. But yeah, I promise to attend all my classes, try to listen to the lectures and understand things as much as possible, instead of memorizing them. Yeah, memorizing math doesn't work too well especially in university.


Saturday, January 2, 2010 / 12:06 PM

"Albert Camus once wrote, "Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken." But I wonder if there's no breaking then there's no healing, and if there's no healing then there's no learning. And if there's no learning then there's no struggle. But the struggle is a part of life. So must all hearts be broken?" - Lucas Scott, One Tree Hill.

January 1, 2010.
Friday, January 1, 2010 / 4:30 PM

Today is the first day of 2010 and I am sitting here writing a post. I've been watching one of my favourite TV show, One Tree Hill, and it just got me thinking. Yeah, I spent part of the New Year watching the season I bought myself for Christmas. The episodes in season 5 really made me think about my life.

2010 is the year where I will be 19, the age where I am finally legalized to do everything, go clubbing, drinking alcohol, smoking, blah blah. But it never really hit me before in high school but it did now, since I am in university. People say that the 4 years of high schools are the best years of your life. The experiences and accomplishments that I achieved in high school made me become the person who I am today. But it never really made me see how scary reality is.

After watching a couple of episodes of One Tree Hill, it hit me hard that the real world is really scary because some people will succeed while others will fail. It made me realized that some will have to move far away in order to succeed their dreams and it frightens me because I don't want to lose anyone that are in my life right now. Right at this moment, I am satisfied with what I have and who is in my life. I mean, everyone wants to be successful. But we all can't have what we want. Success might come easy for some but not for all. While others will have to work their ways to success.

University is very big compared to high school. It is very different. Everyone is identify as a 9 digit number. No one cares about you, all they care about is getting themselves somewhere in life. There are thousands of people in university who are all trying to compete to get into medical school, teacher's college, law school, etc. But only 5 out of 1000 students get into medical school... that is a very very low percentage of getting accepted. It's scary because what if you don't get where you want to be. Does it mean you have to switch career path and work your way from the beginning again ?

I guess what I am trying to say is that I am afraid of failure and change. I am sure that we are all afraid of failing in life. I mean, without a good job, how are we going to survive in the real world? But what if you want to have a family? How are you going to raise your family with a job that pays your 10 bucks a hour? Think about it. Everyone wants to happiness, pleasures, love, comfort, peace, etc. I am not talking about those who don't want to work but I'm talking about those who do work hard to try to be successful. It's not fair to see someone fall after working so hard to try to get their dreams come true. This is why life is so unfair. But what can we do?

Can you meet me halfway?